

Based in Australia and born in Mexico, Jare brings the fun wherever she goes. She’s a lifelong passionate fashion professional who finds solutions to build a better industry. She’s currently heading up business production operations and sustainability at Zimmerman.

What else you should know about Jare:

  • She loves to cook for family and friends.

  • Her goal is to have fun with her family every day — from simple to extravagant, it’s all about finding one moment of unity.

  • She loves to talk sustainability and fashion.

How she met Susan:

A long time ago at a women’s event hosted by Lisa Witter

How she defines #SusanStyle:



On her Puglia Wishlist:

To celebrate with Susan, relax, and enjoy heartfelt moments with friends old and new 

Jare Recommends:

Word of Mouth and Freakonomics